Friday, June 26, 2009

Random pics...

I left Braelynne for a minute to pour her something to drink and I turned around and she obviously was too hungry to wait for me to feed her. It was so cute had to take a pic. Miss B is keeping us busy these days. Forget about the terrible two's, she is having the terrible one's and I am hating every minute of her tantrums!! She has a temper for sure....don't know where she gets that from at all.......:) She loves the outside, her gma Traci laughs at her everyday because as soon as she walks in the door in the morning she turns back around and bangs on the glass door saying "outside, outside...." she says it in the sweetest voice, you can't say no....and if you do, be prepared for WWIII! She loves her baby pool and gma's bigger pool....she is my outdoor baby. Like I keep saying......she is soooo lucky she is cute or she would be in so much more trouble!! In all seriousness, we are doing good. Corey's dogs are driving me nuts and I'm sure there will be more to come however I will not have any more inside....its a mad house most days. Hope everyone is good, talk to everyone soon!!
Looks like she is guilty of something......cute dress though so that is why i took the pic!

B put her shoe on EZ:)

Haha, you had to be there but she had on one of Corey's hats and when she left it alone she looked like Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat....she is a trip.

Braelynne chasing after EZ

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