Sunday, October 25, 2009

Random B pics!

Life in the Allison/Wilson home is never dull. B keeps us busy....since corey is home this month, they have been able to have tons of daddy-daughter time....since my new position at work has me working later, I don't get to see her but for just a little bit when i get home and then its her bedtime. So on the wknds we try and spend as much time with her as possible. These past few weeks we visited the yearly Night Eyes at the Blank Park Zoo, which is nice for i thought.....B...being the weirdo that she is didn't find it as fun as most children would. She was quite scared by the I had to hold her the whole time. We then went to the Pet expo and had a good time until she got bit by a goat...she wasn't happy after that. Trying to keep her busy. Now we are trying to figure out and plan for the holidays which is always chaotic!! hope everyone is doing well!! B and tippy moo....they are obsessed with eachother...they are always messing with eachother.

Pet Expo 2009, I didn't let her go in the petting zoo, but she stuck her hand in and a goat nipped her...she said "mama, bite"

I forgot the stroller, I figured she would walk...not a chance!! She wanted held the whole time!!

B and Amy....she wouldn't hold still for a pic so Amy had to hold her

B scared to death at Night Eyes....she didn't like everyones costumes. Austin is trying to comfort her.....

No more pics mommy....please.....

Halloween costume 2009, we went to the Night Eyes at the zoo. She is my lil monkey!!

oh to get a drink of "ilky"

who needs toys....B loves random stuff, such as laundry baskets.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Trip away from home!!

Not much to report on. B is getting bigger and crazier by the day!! Right now Corey is off work for the month so she is back to being a daddy's girl since they are together all day. I started my new position at work, which I like so much better but the later hours are not so fun. I feel like all i do is work!!! Here is B attacking daddy for his food. I swear this child is so picky! no wonder she is so small, the kid never eats!!
B throwing a fit because she wants on the counter.
this past wknd i went on a girls trip to the amana colonies for their yearly wine festival. It was my first night away from B, not so bad!! I could get used to vacations:) Fun time with my girls!
the girls having fun away from the kids and enjoying so really good wine! In bed by 10pm! We were wild!! hahaha