Monday, March 7, 2011

The Girls

I stole these pics from Corey's moms blog...she obviously gets her camera out more then I do!! Here are just a few shots of the girls enjoying their time with Gma. I am glad that if i'm not there to be with them...atleast a grandparent is!! I'm pretty sure they like her more anyway:) Not much new with us, i'm officially back to work so the girls go to Gma's M-Th and then Fridays my dad has them. Corey has decided to get his personal training license and i'm super excited for him that he has found something that he loves to do. Now if I only I can find what i love to do....then we would be set!!! :) So pretty soon Corey will be studying hard.....I must admit...I do not envy him. I hated studying..and I hated school. I thought about going back to school this wknd....then the thought passed and I said forget that!!! I already have thousands of dollars in student loans, full time job, full time mom/ is just not the time that i want to do that. So for now I just pray that I will find a job that I love and allows me to be with my family more. Thats all for Meg.

B'lynne building blocks at Gma's, I believe Traci said she had her uncles build it...then decided to take full credit for their work!! hahaha She loves building with blocks.
Gma makes B smoothies to get some healthy stuff inside her since the child doesn't eat anything other then chicken noodles, chicken nuggets, cookies and yogurt!! B loves her smoothies
Little Gracie, such a smiley baby!! Hers is a good little girl...she has her moments where she cries non stop, doesn't like to be put down...ever...but other then that...I love her so much:) Such a little blessing.

1 comment:

Traci said...

Hahaha!! I lol.

Those are the cutest girls I EVER saw!! That's just the plain truth and I'm not biased in any way.

I hated school too...but I think I dislike work even more. ha!