Friday, March 18, 2011

Blessed am I!!

This is a different post then I usually do...but something has been calling me to talk about a verse in the Bible I read sometime ago....As some of you know I the ripe age of 25 started to read the Good sad is it that I went 25 years without knowing a single thing about the Bible...thank you Husband of mine for opening up my eyes!! I'm still so new in reading the Bible..and most times I am more confused at what I just read then before...but I find some sort of peace in my life when I read it...and I think that is what keeps me going. Like the title of the post says..."Blessed"...blessed is what I am...its how I feel everyday when I wake up to my baby girls crying and whining over something so little..but I remind myself that one day I'll miss the crying and whining...i think?:) lol. I have come so far in my many changes in the past 5yrs..all better..I pray every night and thank the Lord for giving me the life that He has....He is the only one that knows my future...but I know He has a great plan for me..and for that...I'm BLESSED!!

I was reading one day and came across the verse:

For it is by Grace you have been saved through Faith--and not of yourselves, it is a gift of God!! (Ephesians 2:8)

Mind you when i read this...I was pregnant with Gracie...We had already named I knew her name was going to be Grace...I seen the words Grace and Faith and immediately knew that the name Gracie was meant to be ...because I already had a Faith!! (B'lynne Faith) I went days and this verse just played in my head...over and over and over again. I loved I posted it on my Facebook...then a good friend of mine challenged me on what "Grace" was...I had my first challenge on Bible Scripture!! I was so nervous..what was my meaning of "Grace" did I even know??...I instantly had an anxiety attack. hahaha. This was my took me a few minutes to think about it...:

"Spiritual Power demonstrated by Jesus who gives assistance when we choose to become the people that God means us to be, giving ourselves over to whatever goodness we are meant to create, to redeem, to sustain. All the good gifts we enjoy freely in life. given a unique place in the created order...hows that for ya? i'm changing my ways for the better ya see:) My husband has rubbed off on me:)"

The person that questioned me was my best friends brother who is a preacher at a church and I was so grateful for him questioning me on my Bible Scripture because it forced me to look into my heart and my meaning of "Grace". I wasn't saved by myself, I was saved through my new found Faith...

Anyhoo...I know this is weird post from most of you had no idea I was getting so deep into the Bible...but this is the new me..I finally found something that gives me meaning in life and not just living day to day. Just thought I would share with everyone. ----Meg

1 comment:

Traci said...

Ok, I sat here reading these posts, eyes glued. Caleb kept trying to talk to me and I had to ask him to wait, I had to read this!! They were laughing at me because they couldn't get me to stop reading to listen to them...hahaha, they can talk to me anytime!! it!