Friday, July 30, 2010

Its been a long time since we have updated takes over and you get busy and you forget to keep folks updated. A few weeks ago we finally had B's two year old pics taken...just a few months late...thats pretty much on time right?? haha. We decided to take her to the Rose Garden were we will be married in just a few weeks. The photographer did an awesome job at capturing her attitude and not "posed" shots. Once the lady sent them to me, I cried right away...only because seeing her everyday you don't realize how big she is and how fast she is growing up. I try and enjoy her everyday...but life gets in the way and I realized that time is just flying by and I don't enjoy my baby girl as much as I should. So...enjoy the pics...I'll add more later on. I have tons to upload from my camera...but with wedding planning, working, taking care of B, the house etc....I don't find much time to get the blog updated. Hope everyone is doing well!! Love Meg!

The "real" Braelynne Faith...little sassy pants!!
Looks just like her Daddy!!!
My little angel baby!!! most pics are of her back because she refused to have her pic taken.
B standing in an archway at the Rose Garden

1 comment:

Traci said...

I love these pics! B has the face of an angel in them. Truly, I don't think I'm bias at all. Even if she wasn't my baby girl, I would still say it was true!

I love the one of her walking away too. I don't really know why but when I first saw it I loved it, it's just B...and beautiful!