Not many know who mousey is, but that is Braelynne's favorite toy--well at least i think it is! A few weeks ago I was packing the diaper bag for the next day and I couldn't find mousey---I asked Corey if he knew where it was (since he was the last person with B, he should know where it is, right?---well, that was not the case:) Corey seems to not pay attention and mousey must have dropped out of the car seat or B threw him out, which wouldn't surprise me, she has become quite aggressive lately by throwing around her toys when she gets mad! So....we (meaning I) looked high and low around the apartment and in the cars, but no luck! Poor mousey was lost!!!!! I was going to go get her another one, but a few days ago her uncle Caleb happened to look up and seen poor mousey laying on the balcony of another apartment when dropping her off at home! THE SEARCH FOR MOUSEY IS OVER!!! Braelynne was happy to see him again, probably not as much as I, but none the less--he was found and after grandma gave him a good scrub down, he was back in the arms of Miss. B. Mystery solved!! Don't they look so cute?!! Sorry it took so long to get another update posted but like always, we have been busy and time comes and goes! Hope everyone is doing well! Talk to you soon!
Braelynne has moved on to fruits and vegetables and LOVES THEM!! And I do mean LOVE!! She is quite the piglet these days. She freaks out when she sees me coming with her food, she spits out her binky and gets all excited. If I don't feed her fast enough, she starts licking all the extras off her bib---she is a character!
This isn't the best picture, but I wanted to show everyone that B is able to sit up by herself, she is still kind off wobbly at times so you need to stay close or put a pillow behind her so she doesn't bump her head but she loves to be able to sit up and play with her toys---as long as someone is close by (she is spoiled, she doesn't spend much time on her own:)
She looks happy in this shot, but in reality she was furious! We have finally started giving her baths in the big bath tub instead of the sink and she was scared to death! I don't think she liked the sound of the water and the new chair was cold on her back. She has gotten better, but mom misses baths in the sink (they were so much easier:)
Birth=7lbs 13oz -20inches
2 1/2 months= 11lbs 2oz -22 1/4inches
4months= 13lbs 14oz -24 1/2inches
I thought she would be bigger but the doc says she looks good and that she is in the 50% section, so I guess that works for me:)
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