Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Busiest weekend!!!!!

This past weekend was my best friend Sara's wedding and even though it was fun....I'm so glad its over!!!! It was a lot of stress and a lot of money and I'm just glad she is happy and as we speak she is in Vegas having a blast on her honeymoon. It was total chaos with Braelynne but family and friends helped out by watching her so i could try and enjoy myself. It was good to see most of you at the wedding, for everyone else.....hope all is well. Talk to you soon!!

Me and big Crystal at the wedding!

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Grove!!! Isn't she beautiful.....I cried like a little baby during the ceremony!!!

The BIG DAY!!! Early morning at the hair salon, the last picture Sara Lee and I took together before she became Sara Lee Grove! (Kinda scary without make-up huh?:)

This is B's little buddy, baby Chad, my friend Shawn's little boy and Braelynne had fun at the rehearsal for my best friends wedding this past Friday. They are too dang cute!!!

Mommy messing with Daddy while he tries to take a nap----nap, what the heck is that.....and yes... he falls asleep with suckers in his mouth all the time and I have the sticky marks to prove it on my pillows. I was felling goofy this day:)

Sorry Iowa State fans, we root for the black and gold---well, I guess everyone else does in the family, I don't watch nor understand football!!!haha

Daddy and B--he missed us while we stayed at my parents---but we got a knock in the middle of the night at door because he couldn't sleep with out us!!!! He may act tough but he is big teddy bear!!!:)--he would kill me if he read this!!!!

big cousin Austin loved having B around to play with. The day my parents came back he asked if me and B would come back and stay with him.....isn't he sweet!!!:)

This past week my parents were out of town, so I got the pleasure of watching my nephew and the family dogs for a few days! Surprisingly, my almost four year old nephew is pretty good and kept Braelynne occupied while I ran around like a crazy women. I thought it wouldn't be that bad having two kids, oh my was I wrong!!!

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