Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Girls

A few of these pics are from Corey's mom..and a few I actually took out the camera and took myself!! Just another week in life of "The Wilsons". We are staying busy with work and Corey with work and his online schooling...B'lynne and Grace are becoming the best of you can tell from the top pic..this is B'lynne "reading" a book to Grace, look at Gracie's face...she looks interested. "G" loves Braelynne...I am thankful most mornings that while i rush around and get stuff ready I tell B to sit by Grace and talk to her so she doesn't cry...and its working!!! B is such a great Big Sister!! Thanks for helping mommy out!!

This is B cuddling Grace one night before bed...aren't they so cute?
This is B watching a movie in my bed last wknd with EZ bear at her head and Blanca at her feet. (We have since placed Blanca with Corey's cousin as my two female dogs hate eachother and came close to killing eachother twice in I had to get rid of one) Anyway...the dogs love the kids..just hanging out in bed with B!!
Such a happy baby!! So different then my little B'lynne Faith!!
This is B with one of Gma's kitties...she carries them just like a baby...this is Sambo (or thats what B told me his name was! ha) B tells me "Mommy I don't want doggies anymore...I want kitties like Gma..." I tell her to go back and tell Gma to stop trying to pawn her kitties off on me:) Traci Moo would probably kill them...I don't need anymore animals:)
B and G sharing a smile before bedtime!!
Daddy and Gracie playing at Gma's house
Look at that face!! How cute is she!! This is Uncle Caleb with happy!!

1 comment:

Traci said...

Love the blog fav so far:)

Those girlies are so pretty aren't they! B is a great big sister. She is very attentive to Gracies needs:)

Great (the best) girls!