Thursday, July 24, 2008


This was a first for Braelynne Faith!!! She finally slept all night long last night!! We put her to bed at 8:00pm and she did not make a peep (not that I heard anyway:) until 6:00am when her Daddy got up!! (I think he went in and woke her up on purpose!) Corey woke up twice last night to go check on her!!! He is such a good Daddy, such a little worry wart!! Hopefully this continues, but we (meaning me, since I am the only one that gets up with her in the middle of the night!!) probably just got lucky!! I will keep ya posted if it continues, but was too excited not to share!!!

1 comment:

Traci said...

This is, without a doubt, the best looking baby on the world wide web!! You gotta love her!

Love, Grandma Rogers