Tuesday, August 25, 2009

She loves her tomato!!!!

She is a freak......she likes her tomatoes......our neighbor, Bob (she even calls him that, she yells his name when she sees him and he comes over to visit) he brings them over from his garden since he doesn't like them and his "soon to be ex wife" planted them. Braelynne attacks the bag and almost fist fights you for a tomato!! She goes to town on them, i would assume that she picks them out of Gma Traci's garden and she lets her eat them there so that is why she recognizes them. She ate it all, she even insisted on taking them to the bath with her. When mommy tried to take it from her she threw herself down on the ground and freaked....i said forget it and let her take it to the bath. It was so cute I had to take pics!!!

Everything is going ok.....I got bad news on my job today, my last day will be Oct. 30th, I will be applying for other positions in the company so lets hope i don't go without a job for long!!! Corey is working away......the rain is kinda slowing them down but seems to be picking back up. B is getting big, and as you can tell from the post....she has quite the attitude!!! She gets that from her dad, never me:) Hope all is well with everyone!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1st trip to the zoo!!

B's first trip to the zoo! It was interesting to say the least....first off....it was getting ready to thunderstorm so we had to hurry. Corey and I both were kind of disappointed with the zoo itself, when you are younger it just seems so much bigger, so when we made it all the way through in less then 30min...we made a second round and tried to make it last longer!!! B was emotionless the whole time! She is so much like her father it hurts my belly!!:) She was not impressed with much, I'm pretty sure called the monkey's "puppy's" but other then that, not a peep out of her. Maybe she was just soaking it all in?? She did like the goldfish pond, she wanted to get in the water with them. After the zoo we had to take the kids to bestbuy to get a new laptop and wireless internet device as B'Lynne broke both this past weekend! $800 later...we left Bestbuy!!! All is going well besides B breaking stuff...guess i still have to baby proof the house! Corey is back in town for a few weeks for work so that helps out a lot having him around. Hope everyone is well!!!
B getting her first taste of cotton candy....loved it!!

Austin getting his first taste of cotton candy....

Yes....I got on the camel with Austin....Corey refused so that left me...it was fun...but kind of uncomfortable!

Aunt Megan and Austin....he is the energizer bunny!!!
Daddy and B feeding the goats and other four legged creatures...B was not impressed

He looks so thrilled....

I thought he was going to attack us....forgot to switch the pic before uploading it.

Austin trying to jump in the lions cage.....I told him Nana wouldn't be very happy if a Lion ate him!

The seals!
The lions.....Corey said that he thinks they are depressed!:)
Mommy and B....she didn't look impressed!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New time out kennel??? joking!!!

Here is little B'Lynne.....she really likes to...lets just say......"explore" and really likes to get in Tippy Moo's kennel. She even gets in and shuts the door herself! The pics look like we are teetering on the edge of child abuse but it was really funny the day she did it. We now have to keep it locked when its empty so she stays out of it. I think she just wants the toys out of there......

We have had fun this summer going to the pool and having a bunch of friends over for BBQ's....too bad the last one we had caught the grill on fire and we needed a fire extinguisher to put it out!!!!! It was really bad!!! I heard you should clean out the grease trap every so often or that will happen:) My father gave me more fire extinguishers to take home for future use!!! Thanks dad!!!:) All else is going well....I'm sad summer is almost over but we have had a good summer! Looking forward to getting some stuff done to the house this fall.....we are having a sidewalk and hopefully a patio and new doors put in.....It should be done by winter:) Corey has started working out of town during the week so its a stressful time for me until the wknd....but like my parents said..you have to go where the work is. On the other hand for me....I'm ready to quit my job any moment......so if you know anyone that is looking for someone that is always late, has to take days off for sick kids and sick dogs (ez is sick with a double ear infection so was late today!!)...then I'm the lady for the job!! haha, just joking. I really do need a new job though, so keep your eyes out for openings for me!!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!!!
Boarding on the line of child abuse???????

Family time....
Playing dress up with Mommy's shoes....speaking of shoes...I'm missing my favorite pair and I think she is behind it!!!
B eating her first sucker....all by herself! She even dropped it in the dirt and just about attacked me when I tried to take it from her!! Needless to say.....she won that battle!!
Eating cookies....she is an addict!!
floating around at the pool....she loves that thing!
B is in love with getting on the kitchen counter....she loves to sit up there and watch mommy cook and eat cookies!!